The existence of meeting rooms with more diverse layouts require updated standards



The Code: Section 210.65 Meeting Rooms

(A) General. Each meeting room of not more than 93 m^2 (1000 ft^2) in other dwelling units shall have outlets for nonlocking-type, 125-volt, 15- or 20-ampere receptacles. The outlets shall be installed in accordance with 210.65(B). Where a room or space is provided with movable partition(s), each room size shall be determined with the partition in the position that results in the smallest size meeting room.

(B) Receptacle Outlets Required. The total number of receptacle outlets, including floor outlets and receptacle outlets in fixed furniture, shall not be less than as determined in (1) and (2).

(1) Receptacle Outlets in Fixed Walls. The required number of receptacle outlets shall be determined in accordance with 210.52(A)(1) through (A)(4). These receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located as determined by the installer, designer, or building owner.

(2) Floor Outlets. A meeting room with any floor dimension that is 3.7 m (12 ft) or greater in any direction and that has a floor area of at least 20 m^2 (215 ft^2) shall have at least one floor receptacle outlet, or at least one floor outlet to serve receptacle(s), located at a distance not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) from any fixed wall for each 20 m^2 (215 ft^2) or major portion of floor space.

Important Notes

  • Requirements now use square feet and dimensions in any direction in order to accommodate circular meeting rooms
  • Includes stipulations for meeting rooms with partitions to ensure all segments have appropriate receptacles
  • Wording in (B)(2) includes tables with outlets that are fixed to the floor as acceptable options
  • Requirement for floor receptacles being 1.8 m (6 ft) from a wall helps with reducing the length of extension cords or chargers on the floor