We had a great and successful 2019 QA/Cx Summit with participation and attendance from 29 key QA/Cx managers and team members from across the country. David Elkins (VP of Field Operations) kicked off our summit with a focus on the importance of proactive QA/QC and Marty Rouse (VP of Safety) covered the importance of safety and startup/Cx as we reviewed previous lessons learned. We also had vendors presenting from Autodesk, Icarus Ops, and ComRents discuss their current and upcoming products.
Key topics that were covered at this year’s summit:
- Rosendin QA Culture by David Elkins – Discussed the importance of QA/QC and a proactive approach to continue building the culture throughout Rosendin.
- Stop/Start/Keep Exercise by Stephanie Roldan – This is where we explored how we are doing with our program and what we want to change.
- QA/Cx Playbook Review – Went through the basic overview of our current program.
- Autodesk Presentation by Shirin Arnold – Covered the roadmap for the Next Gen product and had an open discussion with Rosendin input for future improvements.
- QA/Cx Safety by Marty Rouse – Covered the QA/Cx related safety incidents for lessons learned and the importance of safety in QA/Cx.
- QA/Cx Program Update and Goals – Reviewed program progress from our last summit and future plans & goals. The Stop/Start/Keep exercise had the team identify key priority action items as program goals to develop and implement.
- Icarus Ops Presentation by Gerald Leeky and Max Anderson – Shared our current pilot program with the team and what Icarus Ops can do.
- Controls Integration by Damien Throne – Discussed the upcoming Controls Integration program and importance of controls and how it relates to QA/Cx processes.
We look forward to continued improvement within the program to continue setting Rosendin apart from our competitors by providing the best quality product for our customers.
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